+44 20 3946 3211 Care@acrinova.com

Innovated to Ensure Excellence


Comprehensive Approach

SCADEMP Approach

This approach is designed to be used by different medical or non-medical professionals in the field of occupational medicine and corporate health (OMCH System).

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Corporate Health

Corporate Health

The corporate ability to adapt changes and challenges in the work environment, and to innovate and improve healthy corporate solutions to increase productivity, employee satisfaction, and wellness.

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Professor Albadry

Ahmed A. Albadry

This approach invented by Professor Albadry, Occupational Medicine Consultant and Healthcare Quality Expert, Based on his 20 years experience in different organizations all over the world.

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The Perfect Solution

Attracting and retaining top talent is key to the success of any organization, and one way to do that is by providing your employees with a comprehensive corporate health program. But where do you start? That’s where our SCADEMP Approach comes in.

Our corporate health approach help organizations of all sizes create and implement effective health and wellness programs for their employees. From on-site fitness for duty selection process to personalized occupational healthcare plans, SCADEMP Approach are designed to meet the unique needs of your organization.




Experience Years





We Care About Corporate Wellness

By investing in the health and wellness of your employees, you’ll experience increased productivity, reduced absenteeism, and a more positive work culture. Plus, offering corporate health solutions is a great way to show your employees that you care about their well-being both in and out of the workplace.

Our team of experts will work with you to assess your organization’s needs and create a customized program that fits your budget and goals. We’ll provide ongoing support and guidance to ensure the success of your program and the health and well-being of your employees.

Don’t wait to invest in the health of your organization. Contact us today to learn more about SCADEMP corporate health approach and how we can help you create a happier, healthier workplace.



We have our special methodology to diagnose your corporate needs



Application Project for SCADEMP Approach in your organization


continuous Improvement

we are your success partner, and care about your continuous excellence